Hera De Larus

7 mai 2017

Hera De LARUS Femela la clasa Deschisa CACIB Timisoara 6-mai-2017 Calificativ Excelent Titlul CAC, CACIB Arbitru Dnul Milivoje Urosevic (Serbia) Expozitia din 7-Mai-2017 calificativ Excelent cu Titlul CAC si R CACIB Arbitru Dnul Rui Oliveira (Portugalia) Cu aceste titluri Hera De Larus isi copleteaza palmaresul si devine "Campion Romania"

Fido de Larus

22 februarie 2016

Diploma de Campion Internantional FIDO De LARUS . crescator Lazar Maria & Cornel Romania - proprietar Vivianne & Lasse Rittbring Suedia


10 februarie 2016

Felicitari dnei Vivianne Rittbring (Suedia) pentru rezulatele obtinute cu Fido de Larus, acesta devenind Campion Suedia, Campion Danemarca si Campion International. Ne bucuram ca un puisor plecat din canisa noastra a obtinut astfel de rezultate pe plan international

Odideea de Larus

4 octombrie 2015

Expozitia Arad 2-10-2015 Clubul cainilor de Agrement Calificativ obtinut Exc 1 CAC ,Arbitru dnul Roberto Schill . Expozitia din 04-10-2015 Arad CACIB calificativ obtinut Exc 1 cu titlul CAC si CACIB Arbitru dnul Istvan Csik (Germania)

Esprit de Larus

16 august 2015

Int. Ch. & Multi Ch. ESPRIT DE LARUS aka ''Winny'' - Breed / Bichon a Poil Frise - Veteran Class (8 years old)
Royal Crown Trophy 2015 - Alba Iulia, Romania – 15-16 August 2015
NDS – Exc 1, CAC V, Best Veteran, BOB, Res. BOG
IDS – Exc 1, CAC V, Best Veteran, Veteran BIS
IDS – Exc 1, CAC V, Best Veteran, Veteran BIS

Esprit de Larus

15 august 2015

Int. Ch. & Multi Ch. ESPRIT DE LARUS aka ''Winny'' - Breed / Bichon a Poil Frise - Veteran Class (8 years old)
Royal Crown Trophy 2015 - Alba Iulia, Romania – 15-16 August 2015
NDS – Exc 1, CAC V, Best Veteran, BOB, Res. BOG
IDS – Exc 1, CAC V, Best Veteran, Veteran BIS
IDS – Exc 1, CAC V, Best Veteran, Veteran BIS

Esprit de Larus

31 mai 2015

ESPRIT DE LARUS aka ''Winny'' - Veteran Class (8 years old) CCAR - TOY DOGS CLUB (Gr. 9) - Sibiu, 29.05.2015 Exc.1, CAC - V, Best Veteran, Best Male, Best Of Breed, Club Winner and Best Veteran in Show NDS - Sibiu, 30.05.2015 Exc.1, CAC - V, Best Veteran, Best Male, Best of Breed, Best of Group and Best Veteran in Show

Esprit de Larus

31 mai 2015

IDS - Sibiu, 30.05.2015
Exc.1, CAC - V, Best Veteran, Best Male, Best of Bread, Rez. Best of Group and Best Veteran in Show

IDS - Sibiu, 31.05.2015
Exc.1, CAC - V, Best Veteran, Best Male, Best of Breed, Best of Group 3 and Best Veteran in Show

Esprit de Larus

30 mai 2015

IDS - Sibiu, 30.05.2015 Exc.1, CAC - V, Best Veteran, Best Male, Best of Bread, Rez. Best of Group and Best Veteran in Show IDS - Sibiu, 31.05.2015 Exc.1, CAC - V, Best Veteran, Best Male, Best of Breed, Best of Group 3 and Best Veteran in Show

Esprit de Larus

29 mai 2015

ESPRIT DE LARUS aka ''Winny'' - Veteran Class (8 years old)

CCAR - TOY DOGS CLUB (Gr. 9) - Sibiu, 29.05.2015
Exc.1, CAC - V, Best Veteran, Best Male, Best Of Breed, Club Winner and Best Veteran in Show

NDS - Sibiu, 30.05.2015
Exc.1, CAC - V, Best Veteran, Best Male, Best of Breed, Best of Group and Best Veteran in Show

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